Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Boarding and Day Care at Elmtree

Elmtree Luxury Pet Hotel Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (company number 08399646). Registered address: 28 Church Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4XR. VAT Number: 166718087.

Please ensure you have checked and agree to our terms and conditions. By going ahead with your boarding or day care booking, the owner of the animal is deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions. If you have any queries or questions regarding any of our conditions of boarding, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1. When making a boarding and/or day care booking the owner/s of the animal must provide their full details (Inc. full name, address and contact information, the animal’s full details and emergency contact details).

2. A UP TO DATE VETERINARY CERTIFICATE of vaccination will be required for Inspection at the time of admission of all animals. The full course of vaccinations, worming and flea treatment must have been carried out at least 14 days prior to boarding.

3. DOGS – The infectious bronchitis vaccine does not give 100% protection against Kennel Cough and the owner takes full responsibility for this, the management of Elmtree will not be liable if the dog catches kennel cough.

4. If you have more than one dog and/or cat then you give permission for your dog and/or cat to stay in the same room as your other dog and/or cat. You understand that our insurance provider (Petplan Sanctuary) does not provide any cover for dogs or cats staying in the same room together. This includes death or injuries that may occur from another dog or cat.

5. For boarding and day care you agree for staff at Elmtree to socialise you dog/s with other dogs and you understand that whilst every care and attention is taken you accept that there are reasonable risks involved when dogs interact with other dogs or when using equipment. You understand that our insurance provider (Petplan Sanctuary) does not provide any cover for any injuries that may occur as a result of dogs socialising with other dogs.

6. VETERINARY ATTENTION – Whilst animals boarded or on day care at Elmtree receive every care and attention we advise that all pets are covered by appropriate insurance (the insurance should have adequate veterinary cover). All dogs & cats boarding and/or attending day care do so at the risk of the owner and Elmtree Luxury Pet Hotel Limited can accept no liability for any problems such as stress or ill-health arising from their visit. Elmtree may act in the owner’s absence as guardian of their dog/cat and may perform or take any action which they deem necessary in order to protect and keep in good health the animal. Should any animal require treatment, the management reserve the right to call a veterinary surgeon and act upon his advice, the expense incurred to be met by the owner of the animal NOT Elmtree Luxury Pet Hotel Ltd.

In certain circumstances it may be necessary for Elmtree to contact your current/previous veterinary practice to obtain your pet’s medical history. This will help to ensure your pet’s health and safety whilst boarding and/or in day care with us. In the unlikely event that your pet should become ill, this would also enable accurate care and treatment to be given by our nominated veterinary surgeons. The owner acknowledges and gives full consent for Elmtree to obtain your pet’s medical history. All information will be used and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

7. PAYMENT: All accounts are due on the day of arrival or the day of departure. For boarding all animals are charged for on the day of arrival and the day of departure regardless of time of arrival or departure with a minimum charge of 2 days.

When making a booking / payment we ask you to agree to the following as we do not issue refunds; a 25% non-refundable deposit must be paid to secure every booking. Once the deposit has been paid the boarding dates can be adjusted without any charge up to 7 days prior to the first day of boarding.

In certain circumstances, if the booking is completely cancelled up to 14 days prior to the first day of boarding then the management may issue a credit to be used on a future booking within the next 12 months.

Booking dates can be changed/moved up to 7 days prior to boarding and the full deposit amount will stay on the account.

Once the booking has commenced you cannot reduce the number of days that have been booked and you will not receive a refund for any of the remaining days if you decide to collect early. In certain circumstances management may issue a credit to use on a future booking within the next 12 months.


9. FOR HYGIENE REASONS all bowls are supplied by Elmtree. Bedding and toys can be supplied by us or the owner. But Elmtree can accept no responsibility for loss or damage to any belongings (e.g. bedding, leads, and toys) that are supplied by the owner of the animal.

10. FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STAFF AND OTHER ANIMALS IN OUR CARE, boarding and/or day care of any dog/cat will only be accepted after we meet with the animal and the owner, management reserves the right to refuse any animal with immediate effect.

11. ANY MEDICATION OR FEEDS that needs to be administered out of hours (8am – 6pm) will be charged as an Extra Walk (See Price List).

12. Any animal that has not been collected WITHIN 14 DAYS of the scheduled departure date from Elmtree Luxury Pet Hotel Ltd AND whereby no communication has been received from the owner / agent of the animal to Elmtree. The management reserve the right to re-home, sell or otherwise dispose of the animal at their discretion.